Swiss Art Awards 2015
Book presentation, talks, discussion
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Kunsthalle Zurich is proud to host an evening of talks, discussion, book presentation and drinks on the occassion of the new publication by Swiss Art Awards:
If contemporary art is all about marketing, what kind of product do artists make of themselves? The new issue of the annual Swiss Art Awards catalogue presents the results of an experiment. The design office Huber/Sterzinger has applied an algorithm first used in Triple Canopy Magazine (2013) to examine statistically which words Swiss Art Awards laureates use for their self-representation. Specific patterns emerge for individual artists. The analysis includes exhibition flyers from private archives as well the portfolio presentations of Mathis Altmann, Gilles Aubry, Andreas Dobler, Gilles Furtwängler, Julia Geröcs, Tobias Kaspar, Mélodie Mousset, Jessica Pooch, Yves Scherer. The catalogue also features two essays on self-marketing by David Senior (Curator Museum of Modern Art, New York) and Isabelle Graw (Publisher Texte zur Kunst, Berlin). Known as an annual survey of the Swiss art scene the Swiss Art Awards exhibition and its homonymous catalogue are a valuable index for art professionals and lovers. For the first time the publication has an additional focus on artistic production and self-marketing. This publication is the first in a trilogy. Next year’s focus will be on migration and in 2017 on government support.
Book presentation & talks by:
Alain Quemin: How international are contemporary artists? The impact of nationality and country on residence on success and consecration in the visual arts.
Chus Martínez: How to become a very famous artist
Followed by a round of questions and answers with the artist Mélodie Mousset
and aperitif dînatoire.