Art education at Kunsthalle Zürich
Welcome! Kunsthalle Zürich mediates art in a variety of ways, from guided tours to workshops and artist talks.
In recent years, Kunsthalle Zürich has developed into a space for varied experiments with unexpected outcomes. A place that offers unique experiences, participation and impressive art. We welcome an ever larger and more diverse audience – and our efforts for more inclusion are far from complete. In coming years we want to become, even more, an institution that is open to all.
How does an idea become art and ultimately an exhibition? What is the relationship between artwork, visitor and exhibition? How can I understand and interpret art? What does it offer me? What remains with me after my visit? Is it possible to make connections with my everyday life? How does art and its history relate to our present?
These and many other questions arise again and again. We seek answers to them in workshops, tours, artist talks, seminars and special programmes for families, children and schools. In doing so, we enter into an active and responsive dialogue with our surroundings. The content of the programmes is based on the exhibitions, which means that new perspectives are always coming into play.
If you would like to receive regular information about our educational programme, please subscribe to our newsletter.
If you would like to book a private tour, please contact Seline Fülscher or call us on +41 (0) 44 272 15 15.
For information on workshops for your school class, please see below.
See you soon at Kunsthalle Zürich!
Children & Schools
A special focus of the Kunsthalle Zürich's theory and mediation work lies on programmes for children, young people and schools: concrete encounters with our exhibition programme, experimentation with artistic materials and media, as well as furthering understanding of cultural and social contexts are key.
Workshops are offered for any kind of group, for Horts, young people, adults and students, etc.
The content and language are adjusted to fit our visitors.
In cooperation with you (the teachers), we also develop individualised workshops or project weeks. These can, if necessary, be oriented towards your curriculum.
Schools workshops
In the Kunsthalle Zürich mediation workshop Studio.
There are tailor-made schools workshops for every exhibition at Kunsthalle Zürich. In an age-appropriate dialogue we explore the ongoing exhibition and engage in a practical discussion in the Kunsthalle Zürich Studio.
Workshops are even possible outside Kunsthalle Zürich opening hours, they can be booked Monday-Friday from 8am onwards. When enquiring, please indicate 2-3 potential dates, the school, class size and a mobile phone number. The usual duration is 90 minutes, but this can be adjusted if necessary. Booking on request: email Seline Fülscher
Schools workshops are free of charge for all classes from within and beyond the Canton of Zurich.
Good news for all schools in Canton Zürich! The cost of ZVV transport tickets to come to Kunsthalle Zürich are covered. This is in collaboration with schule&kultur, Volksschulamt, Bildungsdirektion Kanton Zürich.
More information on current and previous workshops
Autumn holiday activity for children between 7 and 12 years old
You don't have to travel to discover new worlds.
Play, fun, knowledge and encounters with artists in week-long full-day courses.
Children meet artists and are creative themselves. The Cool-Tur holiday programme offers fun, games, knowledge and creative work. Two to three cultural institutions in the city of Zurich work in tandem to create a colourful and varied holiday programme, organised by the association kulturvermittlung-zh.
Cultural sites should be accessible to all!
We grant 50% off the course costs to holders of Kultur-Legi. Participants receive a VBZ ticket for zone 110 for the duration of the course. Children with little knowledge of German as well as children with physical disabilities are welcome.
Family afternoon / Afternoon for all
As of summer 2022 all are welcome at our family afternoons, whether you come as a family, a couple, with friends or alone. We explore the exhibition in a playful way before we create our own artworks in the Studio workshop. Afternoons for all take place at least monthly on Sundays between 3 and 5 p.m., the exact dates can be found here below.
For all from 4 years old and upwards (children up to 16 years old should be accompanied by an adult)
Price: CHF 16 per adult including admission, kids free
Booking: kids [at] kunsthallezurich.ch
Register by email.
More information about current and previous family afternoons
Easter egg decoration
Easter egg decoration has been a tradition at Kunsthalle Zürich since 2018. In 2018 Rob Pruitt launched the concept during his exhibition, in 2019 the Swiss artist Kaspar Müller came to Kunsthalle Zürich to colour Easter eggs with us. In 2020 & 2021 we unfortunately had to cancel the event due to Covid. We've been able to recruit Clare Goodwin to lead the decoration in 2022.
Children's birthdays at Kunsthalle Zürich
We explore the Löwenbräukunst area together on a playful tour and gain insights behind the scenes of museum operations. We will visit secret places that otherwise only Kunsthalle Zürich employees get to see. Then we'll take a look at the exhibitions, where we'll gather inspiration for our own artworks, which we can make in the studio and take home afterwards. Whether we do a photo shoot with our own costumes, make a crazy collage or create an oversized group picture may be decided by the birthday child (at least 7 days before the event).
A syrup bar will be set up in the studio. Catering such as cake or snacks must be organised by the family. The children's birthday parties are led by our art educators.
Duration: 120 – maximum 180 minutes
Costs: 250 CHF (for 120 minutes, maximum 14 people)
Number of people: 5 – maximum 35
Enquiries to: kids [at] kunsthallezurich.ch
For people with a refugee background
The DiplomArt mediation format took place for the first time in autumn 2021.
Every Wednesday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., the Studio, the mediation room at Kunsthalle Zürich, offers DiplomArt participants a creative safer space. All costs are covered by Kunsthalle Zürich.
At DiplomArt, we draw the participants out from their everyday lives. Art is used as a universal language that can be applied in a wide range of forms. Various techniques, creative tools and media are used. The graphic tools and methods are based on the preferences and interests of the participants. The focus lies on joint and individual processes. This meeting platform in the Kunsthalle Zürich Studio works in an integrative and participatory way. The participants themselves decide whether or not an exhibition is ultimately created that is be open to the public, just as much as they decide what is exhibited.
An important part of DiplomArt is cooking and eating together, which generates a community.
Kinder Kultur Akademie Zürich
The Kinderkulturakademie Zürich is a small academy for children and culture organised by Museum Haus Konstruktiv. There are meetings on eight afternoons one semester in different Zurich cultural institutions. At each session the children get a look behind the scenes, experiment with music, theatre, art and dance and develop their own works.
In 2020, 2021 and 2023 Kunsthalle Zürich was part of the programme.
We offer free exhibition tours every Thursday at 6.30pm during exhibitions. Check the Agenda on this page for details.
Private tours
During opening hours: CHF 160 + entrance fees
Outside of opening hours: CHF 280 + entrance fees
Tailor-made tours and workshops
We are also happy to arrange special workshops and group bookings. Are you interested in a tour with a specific focus, for example? We can also offer expert insights from different fields.
Please contact us!
Previous formats
Studio: Stell dir vor...
... the colourful materials collection of the mediation workshop is at your disposal. What kind of artworks could be created through the combination of different techniques and materials? The studio is open to everyone and the session is accompanied by an art educator.
Contribution towards costs: CHF 5
Klasse Kuratieren
Das Ziel von Klasse Kuratieren ist die Erarbeitung einer eigenen Ausstellung. In Zusammenarbeit mit einer Schulklasse der Zürcher Mittel- oder Oberstufe wird diese abwechselnd in der Kunsthalle Zürich und der beteiligten Schule entwickelt. Während einem Semester, als mehrwöchiger Projektunterricht angelegt, werden alle drei Wochen aufeinander aufbauende Workshops durchgeführt, die einen halben oder ganzen Tag dauern. Die Gesamtdauer des Projektes beträgt 15 Schultage. Zum Schluss gibt es eine Vernissage.
Was glauben die eigentlich? SMS Tool
«Was glauben die eigentlich?» (What do they really believe?) was a mediation offer for visitors to Kunsthalle Zürich: questions about the exhibitions at the Kunsthalle Zürich could be asked via SMS.
Through dialogue with the Kunsthalle Zürich, visitors produced an archive in which knowledge was shared. Comments, questions and answers were then displayed in the art education Studio. Part of the archive was published online. All contributions remained anonymous - in the hope that comments and questions would arise that, face to face, might be formulated differently or never voiced.
More information about Was glauben die eigentlich?