Julie Becker


`Researchers, Residents, a Place to Rest is made up of three primary sections, zones which quickly situate us in what I would suggest are parallel universes which have no possibility of converging: places where we simultaneously do and do not inhabit our bodies, the space, and/or the art. The first room passes for an actual reception area, complete with interchangeable plastic signs (“REAL ESTATE AGENT,” “CONCIERGE,” “WAITING ROOM,” “PSYCHIATRIST” ETC.) A drawing of a floor plan hangs framed on its wall. Moving through a narrow corridor, we enter what more easily reads as a “gallery” space. In it are two models of fairly elaborate interior spaces, raised slightly on platforms (actually, each of them is resting on a metal twin bed frame) so that we loom somewhat over them, almost Gulliver-like in what first seems to be intended as a physical affirmation of our omniscience, especially given that these constructions are based upon the floor plan hanging in the previous room. Everything changes when we notice that the first room in the first model is a reproduction of that waiting room we just passed through: from then on we enter these concentrated spaces with no clear sense of our position relative either to them or to their surroundings.`

Terry R. Myers, art press 223