Virginia San Fratello
Circular Engineering for Architecture Guest Lecture
- Gratis
Ein öffentlicher Vortrag von Virginia San Fratello im Rahmen von Prof. Catherine De Wolfs Future Cities Lab Design Studio 'Digital Creativity for Circular Construction', organisiert von der Professur für Circular Engineering for Architecture (CEA), im Institut für Bau- und Infrastrukturmanagement (IBI), am Departement Bau, Umwelt und Geomatik (D-BAUG) der ETH Zürich.
Der Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Virginia San Fratello is an educator, designer and creative technologist. She is the Chair of the Department of Design at San Jose State University in Silicon Valley and an International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Educator of the Year recipient. She is a design activist, author, and thought leader within the fields of additive manufacturing, architecture, interior and product design. She has served in the role of Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Arkansas and The University of Queensland. In 2014 her creative practice, Rael San Fratello (with Ronald Rael), was named an Emerging Voice by The Architectural League of New York — one of the most coveted awards in North American architecture. In 2016 Rael San Fratello was also awarded the Digital Practice Award of Excellence by the The Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA). In 2020 Rael San Fratello received an Art + Technology Award from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). In 2020 the Pink Borderwall Teeter Totters installed on the border between the USA and Mexico, designed by Rael and San Fratello, was awarded the Beasley Design of the Year Award.