Inge Herrmann und Liat Grayver
AAA Gespräch im Mehrwerk
- Gratis
Prof. Inge Herrmann (Nanopartikuläre Systeme, D-MAVT) und Künstlerin Liat Grayver sprechen im Rahmen der Ausstellung AAA Experiments über ihre Arbeit und Forschung. Herrmann und Grayver arbeiten bereits seit 2022 zusammen, als sie sich zum ersten Mal in einem Talk begegneten. Sie haben unter anderem haben eine Installation realisiert, die aus ägyptischblau Pigmenten, welche Herrmann und ihr Team in der Forschung nutzen, besteht. Aktuell sind sie daran, eine Kunstinstallation mit malenden Robotern und elektromikroskopischen Aufnahmen von Plazenta Zellen zu entwickeln, welche sich dem noch immer sehr gering erforschten Gebiet der «Women’s Health» widmet.
Der Abend wird moderiert von Adrian Notz; die Diskussion findet auf Englisch statt.
Diese Gespräche sind öffentlich und kostenlos, sie finden zwischen dem 10. Oktober und dem 19. Dezember 2024 jeweils donnerstags statt. Beginn jeweils um 19 Uhr.
Liat Grayver (1986, Kfar Yehezkel, Israel) is a Berlin-based cross-disciplinary painter and media artist, investigating methods to redefine one of the primitive forms of art – painting – within the current technology-based era. Grayver currently serves as the Artistic Director and works as an Artistic Researcher within the project EACVA - Embodied Agents in Contemporary Visual Art - a multidisciplinary collaboration between artists, philosophers, psychologists and computer / robotics engineers dedicated to exploring the use of robots as an interactive painterly tool and their influence on creativity, authorship and agency in artificial systems. EACVA, co-founded by Grayver in 2022, has successfully secured multi-year funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). This funding supports a cross-disciplinary collaboration hosted by Goldsmiths, University of London (UK), and the University of Konstanz (Germany). In 2022–23, Grayver was a Junior Fellow at the Collegium Helveticum (ETH), and since January 2016 she has been collaborating with the University of Konstanz on the development of the e-David painting robot, exploring various approaches to integrate robotic and computer languages in the processes of painting and creative image-making. She is an active member of SALOON — Network for Women of Berlin's Art Scene and an associate artist research at the Epistemologien ästhetischer Praktiken program at the ZHdK and ETH Zürich. Grayver's work has been exhibited internationally and featured in both art and science publications.
Inge Herrmann, an ETH Zurich engineer, is a Professor of Medical Technology Innovation at the University of Zurich, Balgrist University Hospital and Swiss Federal Labs. Her lab focuses on developing the tools and technologies shaping the future of medicine. These innovaKons advance diagnostics and therapy, translating into clinical applications and successful ventures. Her achievements include the Eccellenza Professorial Award, Latsis Prize and Largiader Award.