Bob Sumner und Fabio Zünd

AAA Gespräch im Mehrwerk

  • Gratis

Bob Sumner und Fabio Zünd vom ETH Game Technology Center sprechen im Rahmen der Ausstellung AAA Experiments.

Der Abend wird moderiert von Adrian Notz; das Gespräch findet in englischer Sprache statt.

Diese Gespräche sind öffentlich und kostenlos, sie finden zwischen dem 10. Oktober und dem 19. Dezember 2024 jeweils donnerstags statt. Beginn jeweils um 19.00 Uhr.

Prof. Sumner is an Adjunct Professor, ETH Zurich Game Technology Center. He received a BS degree in computer science from the Georgia Institute of Technology and went on to earn his MS and PhD degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Exploring the unique way game technology can contribute to science and education, his research focuses especially on augmented reality which adds layers of playful interaction to learning, creativity and culture. He was selected as one of Next Reality’s AR Software Development Leaders of 2018, and his 2019 TEDxZurich presentation 'Behind the Art' predicts the future prevalence of AR and demonstrates how it can be used to enhance engagement with art. Other recent speaking engagements include talks at the World Web Forum, the Zurich Game Show, the World VR Forum, the Global Talent Summit, and Zurich Meets Hong Kong. He was also featured on BBC Click and Ars Technica for his work on 'Unfolding the 8-Bit Era' as well as Reuters for his 'Augmented Creativity' research.

Dr. Fabio Zünd is the Managing Director at the Game Technology Center and the Media Technology Center at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from ETH Zurich, focusing his research on game technology, augmented reality, and computer-assisted storytelling at the ETH Computer Graphics Laboratory and at Disney Research Zurich, Switzerland. In 2016, he co-founded the Game Technology Center with the vision to advance the state of the art in game technology and to apply gamification to disciplines such as learning, creativity, and culture. He co-founded the ETH spin-off Aperion XR AG in 2021. Aperion XR AG commercializes augmented reality technologies for museums developed at ETH Zurich. In 2022, he took on the role of the Managing Director of the Media Technology Center at ETH Zurich. There, he explores what new possibilities emerge by employing Artificial Intelligence in the field of media.


AAA Experiments

Fr 27.09.

Season Opening!

So 20.10.

Nachmittag für alle: Ruth Erdt

Di 05.11.

Virginia San Fratello

Do 14.11.

Nationaler Zukunftstag

Sa 16.11.


So 17.11.

Nachmittag für alle: Ruth Erdt

Di 19.11.

Marirena Kladeftira

So 24.11.

Familientag im Löwenbräukunst

Do 05.12.

Bob Sumner und Fabio Zünd

So 08.12.

Nachmittag für alle: Ruth Erdt

Di 10.12.

Martin Schulte

Di 17.12.

Barbara Buser

So 19.01.

Nachmittag für alle: Ruth Erdt

So 19.01.

Booklaunch und Finissage