LOL Beslutning (Denmark) curated by Matthew Hanson and Ludovica Parenti
For their first performance in Switzerland, LOL Beslutning (DK, 1990-94) perform Destina & Destine III. Written over three years, this teen-drama-come-opera follows the eponymous characters on a double helix journey: two paths entwining and unravelling as their friendship is tested by emo-emotions, dueling expectations and a mysterious double murder.
Destina & Destine III also entangles itself with a scandal in the history of Danish literature. In the late 70’s, Fluxus composer Henning Christiansen scripted and scored The Eight Eyed Scorpion, an opera about a murder set in a Danish underworld of pimping, smuggling and endemic police corruption. This was in fact an adaption of Hans Scherfig's novel The Scorpion (1953), a well known Danish crime-satire. But when Christiansen’s production was broadcast in 1979, public outcry was such that it was immediately cancelled, the artist nationally ridiculed.
LOL Beslutning - who use role playing games and data-pooling strategies to compose lectures, office soaps, chamber music and choral pieces - have reworked scenes from Scherfig’s novel and Christiansen’s tv production into Destina & Destine III: part bildungsroman, part crime story; a narrative blurring history and myth, reality and rumour.
Organised by Ludovica Parenti & Matthew Hanson as part of POOL by Marc Hunziker, Chantal Kaufmann und Rafal Skoczek.
Afterparty with SSSS (Haunter Records), LUMPEX (Forbidden Planet).
Produced with the support of Kunsthalle Zürich and The Danish Arts Foundation.