Blockchain & NFT

The Market, the Community, the Art

  • Kunsthalle Zürich members / students 10 CHF, normal entry 20 CHF, free for patrons

An evening on the year's hot topic, in anticipation of the forthcoming exhibition SNOWCA$H this autumn at Kunsthalle Zürich. The presentations will take place in German.

Kunsthalle Zürich, 2nd floor, 6.30-8 pm

Nina Roehrs: Blockchain, NFT – The art
Georg Bak: Die Cryptopunks und die Entstehung der Profile Pictures (PFP)
Daniel Baumann: Warum ich das alles interessant finde, oder nicht
Jonas Lund: Decentralized Autonomous Artistic Practice

From and with Georg Bak, digital art advisor and co-curator of the exhibition SNOWCA$H; Daniel Baumann, Director Kunsthalle Zürich; Jonas Lund, artist; and Nina Roehrs, expert on art in the digital age and co-curator of the exhibition SNOWCA$H. Organised by Georg Bak, Nina Roehrs, Daniel Baumann and Kunsthalle Zürich.

No registration is required, tickets are available on site.